Healthy Hooves Coat, Mane & Tail Fly Protection Leather Care Itching Supplementary Feed Regeneration Protection & Care
Biotin ZM liquid
For healthy hoof growth and better-quality horn. Biotin ZM liquid contains the amino acid methionine and the trace element zinc, thus providing help against brittle, cracked, broken and badly developing hooves. The active ingredients ensure that sufficient keratin is formed so that strong and healthy horn will grow in quickly.

FN anti-doping and medicine control rules:
ADMR compliant, no waiting period

These active plant ingredients are included:

Biotin: One of the water-soluble B vitamins, known for its protective function concerning skin and hair. It helps to harden the horn and has a positive effect on hoof growth. It also improves hair quality.

Zinc: Important for cell growth and the immune system, for example. For topical application zinc is known for its positive effect on the skin.